
The Best MicroService Soltion

We provide a highly stable microservice system, and customize the microservices for you

Why Microservices?

Microservices has been making waves among forward-thinking application development organizations since the term was first coined in 2011. A few short years later, microservices is on the verge of going mainstream. But what exactly is microservices architecture, and is it right for your organization’s culture, skills, and needs?

Microservices is a software architecture style. It is based on small functional blocks that focus on a single responsibility and function. It uses a modular approach to combine complex large-scale applications. Each functional block uses a language-independent API set. Communicate with each other. It is a new software architecture developed in comparison with the traditional complex monolithic system in the past. Due to the limitations of its own architecture, a monolithic system often causes a waste of system development and testing time, because a monolithic application has many logics and services, and they are inextricably linked. , It will cause another service to be unavailable, so it cannot be tested or upgraded separately. Any online problem repair requires a full upgrade of the entire application system. Overall, the traditional monolithic system faces four major difficulties in the modern software development world, including maintenance difficulties, expansion difficulties, cloudization difficulties, and deployment difficulties. The emergence of microservices can solve the monolithic implementation.