
Our Product List

Stock King

[Stock King] is a stock investment and financial management tool. We provide a large number of analysis strategies so that users can quickly select investment targets and test the profitability of investment strategies. We also use machine learning technology to analyze effective investment strategies.

Sport King

[Sport King] provide real-time information on various international sports events, including players, teams, historical game records, etc. Our data sources include sports official websites, international information and other highly credible resources. You can use this data for data analysis, prediction, etc. Use in all aspects. We integrate information into API services to make it more convenient for you to use. For more information, please refer to our product webpage.

Increased resilience

With microservices, your entire application is decentralized and decoupled into services that act as separate entities. Unlike the monolithic architecture wherein a failure in the code affects more than one service or function, there is minimal impact of a failure using microservices. Even when several systems are brought down for maintenance, your users won’t notice it.

Improved scalability

Scalability is the key aspect of microservices. Because each service is a separate component, you can scale up a single function or service without having to scale the entire application. Business-critical services can be deployed on multiple servers for increased availability and performance without impacting the performance of other services.

The ability to use the right tool for the right task

With microservices, you don’t have to get tied up with a single vendor. Instead, you have the flexibility to use the right tool for the right task. Each service can use its own language, framework, or ancillary services while still being able to communicate easily with the other services in your application.

Faster time to market

Because microservices works with loosely coupled services, you don’t need to rewrite your entire codebase to add or modify a feature. You make changes only to a specific service. By developing applications in smaller increments that are independently testable and deployable, you can get your application and services to market quicker.

Easier debugging and maintenance

Microservices also makes it easy to debug and test applications. With smaller modules going through a continuous delivery and testing process, your ability to deliver error-free applications is vastly improved.

Improved ROI with reduced TCO

Microservices also allows you to optimize resources. With microservices, multiple teams work on independent services, enabling you to deploy more quickly — and pivot more easily when you need to. Development time is reduced, and your teams’ code will be more reusable. By decoupling services, you won’t have to operate on expensive machines. Basic x86 machines will do. The increased efficiency of microservices not only reduces infrastructure costs, it also minimizes downtime.

Continuous delivery

Unlike monolithic applications, in which dedicated teams work on discrete functions such as UI, database, server-side logic, and technological layers, microservices uses cross-functional teams to handle the entire life cycle of an application using a continuous delivery model. When developers, operations, and testing teams work simultaneously on a single service, testing and debugging becomes easy and instant. With this approach of incremental development, code is continuously developed, tested and deployed, and you can use code from existing libraries instead of reinventing the wheel.